Government Delivers Unconditional Cash to over 25 thousand Households

In the face of its closure, the Liberia Social Safety Nets Project (LSSN) has delivered unconditional cash to 25, 509 households in Maryland, Grand Kru, Montserrado and Bomi Counties during its life span. Financed by the World Bank and UKaid, the cash transfer component of the safety nets project operated by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, was initially aimed at transferring cash to 10, 000 thousand holds in Bomi, Maryland and Grand Kru Counties, but later expanded beyond the original target, as the result of additional Financing from the British Government.

Four of Liberia’s poorest Counties (Bomi, Grand Kru, River Gee and Maryland) Were selected to benefit from the program, but River Gee County was later dropped due to financing condition, which may now benefit under the REALISE Project.

Speaking recently at program marking the closure of the LSSN Project, THE Minister of Gender Children and Social Protection Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr said, “Today, I feel elated, thrilled, and overjoyed, that we have reached 25, 509 households with unconditional cash transfers and accompanying measures in four counties (Bomi, Maryland, Montserrado and Grand Kry), through the Liberia Social Safety Nets Project”.

With the expression of excitement, Minister Tarr noted, “These transfers were made to families that nearly lost hope because they had no jobs or livelihood activities to feed their families and take care of other needs. This government intervened and brought hope to many families who were considered extremely poor and food insecure. We are proud and can lift our shoulders because families can smile again.”

The project also had an Accompanying measure component as a soft condition that taught beneficiaries home gardening and hygiene.

The Cash Transfer Program under the Recover of Economic Activity for Liberian Informal Sector Employment (REALISE) Project, will extend to River Gee, River Cess, Grand Bassa Counties, It will also be extended to Grand Kru County, which initially benefited from phase one of the LSSN Cash Transfer Program.


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